

HomeBusinessEGCS Scrubber water sampling and test to IMO MEPC 259(68) or USEPA VGP

EGCS Scrubber water sampling and test to IMO MEPC 259(68) or USEPA VGP

    Our sampling and analysis according with Appenidix 3 of RESOLUTION MEPC.259(68) using EPA or ISO test procedures for the following parameters:
    ● pH
    ● PAH and oil (detailed GC-MS analysis)
    ● Nitrate
    ● Nitrite
    ● Cd ,Cu,Ni ,Pb ,Zn ,As ,Cr ,V

    We perform the required analytical monitoring for Scrubber wash water. 
    We provide:
    ● Sampling Kits with the appropriate preservatives
    ● Transportation of the kits to the vessel
    ● Equipment for Onboard Testing (pH, TRO)
    ● Step by Step Sampling Instructions
    ● Sample Transportation Arrangements
    ● Reporting as per IMO requirements